Finding Balance
Today is Monday, and therefore my day to run errands and catch up on reading. I have a fairly wonderful schedule, as I actually don't have any lectures on Mondays or Tuesdays, which is awesome! Usually there are meetings and seminars to go to, but those don't usually start until the afternoon. Therefore I basically have a four day weekend, which I am thoroughly enjoying! On Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays I have two lectures, each about 2 hours. There is so much reading that I have to do for these lectures that my days off aren't reeeeally days off, but they are still very flexible and enjoyable. It is a very nice pace of life actually, as I spend the majority of my time curled up in my room, reading. The reading load is a lot, but not too much to handle. I am getting far more sleep now than I did as an undergraduate!
I also have been going out a lot and meeting new people. Between my housemates and college friends there is almost always someone to go out with! I have also joined my college's social committee to help organize parties and events. I have found that the more work I do independently the more I need to be around people! So thankfully it all seems to be balancing out, with plenty of time for both work and play :)
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