Laura at and after Cambridge

These are the trials and tribulations of the over-educated and unemployed.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Put a Fork in Me...

Because I am DONE :)

My dissertation is done and being printed and bound as I write this. I actually don't know if there is such a state as "done", as I probably could have kept on working on it for another year, so I guess it is a good thing my deadline is on Thursday! I now have to pick the bound versions up from Staples and mail them overnight to England.

I have gotten pretty good feedback from my advisor in Cambridge, so I am not really worried that it won't be accepted. The thing that I am worried about, however, is sending it to the people in Cambodia who helped me and for whom it was partially written for. I really hope it isn't dissappointing to them.

I actually finished not a moment too soon because today is the big moving day. Every other day has been the small moving day, one carload of stuff at a time. Today the big moving van is going to my old house and bringing all the furniture to the manse. I don't really feel at all sad or sentimental about moving out of that house -- it hasn't been my home in a long time.

Tonight I start school again! Haha - I am taking French at Mercer County Community College because I want to move to Paris. Oui Oui, I am serious. I want to move to Paris and do an internship with UNESCO this spring. And until then... any ideas?

Monday, August 14, 2006

Carpal Tunnel is no fun...

...which is why I took the whole weekend off from writing my dissertation! Plus, my brain was full. Or empty, depending on how you look at it.

Monday, August 07, 2006

What I learned in 17 years of school

I found another interesting job and went ahead and applied for it. The job is with Legal Services of New Jersey and they are looking for a researcher/interviewer to work on their Poverty Initiative. Basically I would be resposible for assessing how well New Jersey provides low-cost legal aid to state residents. I think the project sounds really interesting and the more I consider law school the more I want to gain experience in this area. I hope they call me.

I am still waiting to hear about a job with a policy think tank in NYC, also as a researcher.

Really, most days I think that is the only kind of job I am actually qualified for.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Another One Bites the Dust

I just found out I wasn't selected for the Rome internship. Bummer.

Recovering From the Initial Panic

This past week has been quite a roller-coaster for me. I decided that I would not be able to afford beginning my PhD at Cambridge this fall. It was a very difficult conclusion for me to have to make, but it probably could have been made a while back. I kind of irrationally refused to give up hope that funding would come through somehow, somewhere. It took receiving the last rejection letter for it to all sink in.

There is no doubt that I knew I should probably wait to begin my PhD, funding issues aside, simply because I am not ready. I am too young and have had too few experiences outside of school. I think I know where I am going and what I am doing but really I probably have no clue. And staying in school was also something I was trying to do because I was afraid of NOT being in school. I have never NOT been in school and frankly the idea terrified me. So the past week has brought the disappointment of not being able to return to a place that I genuinely did love and feel at home, and the complete panic of having no idea what to do next.

After the initial panic wore off I began to feel a little better about the situation. I have always had each stage of my life planned out so this little train derailment has been an adjustment for me. Probably one that I needed and will come to appreciate. Everyone that I have talked to says that time in the "real-world" will give me focus and help me figure out where I am going and what I want to do. I know that they are right but it has been a hard idea to get used to. I am good at school and I know how to be a good student. I have no idea where to go next and if I will be any good there. Fear of failure outside of school was not, obviously, the only reason why I wanted to spend the next three years doing a PhD, but I am sure it was a motivating force. Which, like it or not, I now have to get over.

So I have been trying to figure out ways to make the next year or two as beneficial, educational and rewarding as possible. As I have only deferred my PhD at this point, I am still technically a student and therefore eligible for some pretty interesting internships. I have already decided to apply for ones in Paris, Rome and Washington, D.C., so who knows what this time away from school will bring. I have also begun looking at jobs too, although the only position I seem qualified to be is a Researcher. Sounds close to being in school to me!

On top of adjusting to the idea of endless possibilities and uncertainty ahead of me, I have also been writing my dissertation as much as possible over the past week. I need to have a first draft to my advisor by the end of next week. It is going well, but it is hard to not think about everyone's expectations for the end result. So many people have helped me with this research, and everyone is so excited about it, but I can't help but wonder if it will live up to their expectations. I really want to make all their efforts worthwhile and make people proud of what I was able to accomplish. My advisors are already talking of publishing my dissertation and it is barely half done. This is immensely flattering but also scary because I might end up dissappointing them. I just feel a lot of pressure right now to make sense of what I do know (my dissertation) as well as what I don't know (where I go from here).

I am trying to take each day as it comes and not get overwhelmed by it all. Thankfully I have begun to feel very at home in my new Cranbury house and I really enjoy being there. I find the mundane daily activities very relaxing : watching tv, playing with the cats, going for walks, cooking dinner, going swimming, sitting on the front porch, etc. It is good to be there and I can't think of a better place to figure out where I am going next.